Shirley Chisholm: From Teacher To Congress

These words ring just as true now as they did when they were first uttered. The promise of capital can corrupt even the strongest willed person. The temptation of financial gain can sometimes hil Holding steadfast to noble morals and principles.  This prophetic quip comes from the iconic Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. She was the first Black woman with a seat in Congress in the nation’s history. She’d even throw her hat in the ring for a presidential nomination, another in a long list of firsts in her career.

So how did a school teacher turned presidential hopeful blaze a historic trail right into the House of Representatives? Well, her story starts in Brooklyn.

Ascending The Ranks

Born in 1924 to immigrant parents, Chisholm would show a commitment to excellence early on. She’d graduate college with high marks, and go on to become a teacher, and dedicated community activist. Her efforts were at the core of some of the most historically relevant socio-political initiatives.

Representative Chisholm wasn't a play by the numbers kind of activist.

She didn’t hold back when pursuing what she believed to be right. That same graceful tenacity would lead her into a successful career in politics. She’d ascend the ranks rather quickly, earning her seat as a congressional representative in 1968. But make no mistake; her rise was a direct result of her round the clock work ethic. 

Causing The Shift

Shirley Chisholm’s fight for progress stands amongst the greatest wonders in the nation’s history. It was a lifetime commitment that took courage, sacrifice, and so much more than one could ever imagine. It’s the kind of work that only someone with a true passion for progress is called upon to do. Congresswoman Chisholm answered that call, and for that, Paradigm salutes her.

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